Saturday, 30 August 2014

Down on the Farm

For our last Messy Play session of the summer we went 'down to the farm' and...
Hunted in the hay and feathers for eggs

Played in the milking parlour

Made a food farm

Helped in the vegetable patch

Painted with the big tractors

Got mucky with the little tractors

...and made lots of hand and footprints
Thank you to everyone who has come along to messy play, we hope you've had fun getting MESSY!

Watch this space for more messy play sessions in the future.

Mary & Fran

Monday, 25 August 2014

Play With Your Food

Don't Play With Your Food was the theme for this weeks Messy Play and much fun was had...
Making pasta faces
Making Shaving Foam Cakes
Playing in Rainbow Spaghetti
Vegetable Stamping
Playing Cooking
Sorting Cereal
Playing Washing Up

  all rounded off enjoying banana cake and squash in the sun.

Thank you to all those that came. 

Our final theme for this set of Messy Play sessions is...Down on the Farm

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

A Touch of Magic!

It was our second messy play group and we had a wonderful time:

Mixing magic potions.

Playing with slime,

Concocting spells,

And playing in magic bean jelly!,

We're all looking forward to next weeks session 'Play with your food'!

Friday, 8 August 2014

We're all going on a summer holiday...

Yesterday we all had great fun getting messy and exploring activities based around the theme of the beach and being on holiday. 
The Beach

Rock Pooling
 There was jelly to squish and cloud dough to shape...
...and ice boats to let slip and slide through little hands...
We also enjoyed making things out of our beach coloured playdoh...

...and cutting, sticking and colouring on the craft table...
The session was finished off by creating the sea in a fun and messy way...
Thank you to also those that came and we look forward to seeing more of you next week for some magic themed fun at our 'Abracadabra' session.

Monday, 30 June 2014


Welcome to our blog for 'the Messy Play group'. 

Our first session will be on Thursday 7th August, 10:30am-11:30am.   

The theme for this session will be...

 'We're all going on a Summer Holiday'

Please find more information about our group on the links on the right of this page.  If you have any queries or require further information then please contact us at...